Scientific research is a systematic, planned and objective examination of a problem, according to certain methodological rules, the purpose of which is to provide a reliable and precise answer to a pre-asked question.
The guest on the YouTube channel Helm Kast, within the show Autochthonists, was Veljko Milković, an inventor and researcher, who talks about the theory of the Pannonian Altantida.
Academician Veljko Milković published a new scientific paper on the topic "Synergy between invested energy and gravitation i two-stage mechanical oscillator". This paper is a kind of continuation of the presentation and promotion of a two - stage mechanical oscillator and it presents the latest observations and measurement results.
The guest on Prva TV in Nećete Verovati show was Veljko Milković, inventor and researcher, presenting his invention: the two-stage mechanical oscillator ...
The information portal RINA (Regional Information News Agency) visited academician Veljko Milković and published an interview and photos on the topic of Milković's most famous invention - the two-stage mechanical oscillator.